About Us

የድር ቢያብር ትርጉም

በሃገራችንኢትዮጵያ አባባል መሠረት ድር ቢያብር አንበሳን ያስር፣የጋራሃይልን፤ጉልብትንና የመሳስሉትን አባባልን የሚገልጽ ምሳሌዊ ዘይቤን ለማስታወስ የተወሰደ ነው

The  edir/DEMAA is named after a popular Ethiopian saying going  “if a spider web is bundled together, it will be a strong rope good enough to tie down a lion” meaning working hand in hand will provide power and strength.

DIR BIYABER Edir in Las Vegas

Ethiopians in the Las Vegas area have felt the need for a self-help association to comfort those who have lost a loved one and provide financial assistance to help cover funeral and other related expenses. Along with the financial assistance, the association also provides personal assistance during mourning process in accordance with the Ethiopian culture This traditional organization is called Edir.

Name Here Was established in January 2015  by Ethiopian volunteers residing in the Las Vegas area. The founding members established the By-law and elected 15 members as a Governing Board.

The Board has nine (9) Executive Committee Members who serve the association in various tasks assigned according to the By-law.

The Board members encourage anyone who lives in the Nevada State to join our Edir. Let us keep the age-old self-help culture of Ethiopia alive.


Be a Member

ፎርሙን በመሙላት፣ አባል ይሁኑ።

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Get the BY Law- መተዳደሪያ ደንባችን

መተዳደሪያ ደንባችንን ያግኙ